Greetings from the farm!
I miss you all! It's been a minute since we were together at the shows. It sure does get quiet here at night. I'm trying to rest...
And... so much is happening at the farm!
We have a new bull. His name is "Moonshine" and he's as tame as a dog. Cactus is very happy to have him in the field next to the studio so everybody can go over on a break & give him treats.
All the animals are fat & happy. We love them all so much so they keep us company & are really great to talk to, LOL.
We've lost 2 of our beloved pets these past few months. Ike was 10 & Shadow was our 17 year old Alaskan Husky. {Edit: We said goodbye to Ike a YEAR ago this week, wow. It feels like I was throwing the ball for him just yesterday!}. The house feels so different with them gone. I don't know what I would do without my beloved pets. Life is just so much better with them around!
Kaliyah continues to grow—she was a princess for Halloween & she recently got her ears pierced! I love getting to play all over again. Being a grandmother gives you the opportunity to do things even better—Example: I have more time to be with her & we have more time to watch movies & play together. Her favorite movies are "Brave" and "Ferdinand."
Elijah & Hailey had a baby girl September 23rd. Her name is Hazel Claire (Claire, after me—I'm so honored). She's one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen. I get to hold her each week & I'm so in love. With having 2 babies, my cup runneth over!
I continue to pray for Gracie. She is my child & I will ALWAYS be here for her healthy choices.
We've been in the studio A LOT! The record is almost finished. The book is as well. I'm proofreading it now. 2025 will be a busy year for me. Lots to tell! It has been a long process & I'm just so grateful to Cactus for his patience & professionalism & keeping me accountable.
We've also been working on a set list for Vegas! So many hits, such little time, LOL. I am just SO excited!!! It has been awhile since I've played Vegas. I'm too excited to get to perform at The Venetian. It will be so fun to get to sing "The Hits" again!!!
I continue to write songs & I'm continuing to heal with every note I sing!! I'm so grateful that I can sing. I've said it again & again—music is a healer!!
You all have continued to give me so much support these past few years. I feel closer to you all than ever—it's a "Family of Choice" kinda thing!
I do pray every day for our country. The music continues to play. It connects us & I still have a great deal of hope.
I know some are struggling so I am always aware of this when I sing.
Keep the faith my friends. I still believe that we live in the greatest country in the world & I still believe in the American Dream. For as long as I shall live I will testify to LOVE! And I love you too.
Looking forward to seeing you on the road!
Love, Wy